Friday, October 24, 2008

Extra! Extra!

So Campus Life has gone big time. Apparantly, word of our group has gotten out and Campus Life has gained some notariety. A woman from the Wake Weekly came to our group a few weeks ago and did some interviews and took some pictures. Her article was released in the latest edition of the local weekly paper. It turned out great. I think she really emphasized the purpose statement of our group and did an excellent job of describing our meetings. I am not going to write too much because I'm pasting the article in its entirety and a picture of the article (which made the front page of the second section in the paper, the inspirational section. If you look close, I'm in the top picture all the way to the left hand side. This was a small group discussion from the night she was there. Enjoy!

An open forum for an open mind

By Carrie Crespo, Wake Weekly Staff Writer
October 23, 2008

Some attend for guidance, others for answers — and a few just to vent. But all of the students of the Wake Forest-Rolesville High chapter of the Campus Life program come with an open mind.
Every Thursday night from 7 until 9, almost 50 students convene under the guidance of Christian counselors to spend time with friends, play games and have an open forum to discuss issues of life, love and spirituality.
Although it is a ministry under Youth for Christ and has a feel similar to a youth group, there is one crucial difference — students don’t have to be Christian to join.
“A Campus Life meeting is like a youth group for non-church kids,” said WF-R Campus Life site director Rion “Burns” Bell. “We teach world-view issues — ethics, normal practices — and talk about struggles they are going through. They are able to share their views and share their thoughts without fear of condemnation or judgment.
“At the same time, they know that we as the leaders are going to share our views since we gave them the ability to share theirs.”
Worth-Wade Eaton is a senior and has attended the group for almost a year. 
“The counselors are Christian and base reasoning off their ideals, but (they) don’t enforce them,” Eaton said. “Before I came, I considered myself agnostic. This makes me think about Christianity from a different perspective and in a more positive light.”
More than half the students consider themselves Christian and come to deepen their faith or ask questions.
“It’s helped me spiritually to talk out ideas,” said David Glac-kin, who has participated in the group for four years. “All of the teens are in one group and have an open forum. You can share ideas in an open environment without someone thinking it’s stupid.”
Julianne Cantrell, an 11th-grader, attended for the first time Oct. 2. 
“I felt called to come as a Christian to answer what questions people may have,” Cantrell said. “I want to make new friends and share my faith in a nonoffensive way, and show what an awesome God I serve.” 
For Bell, the mission of the group is not simply to help students grow spiritually, but to build relationships and help them grow.
“We’ve had a lot of students who come in really rough and rugged and really struggling with deep issues — family, depression, cutting, drugs. Hopefully, they can get through and past those issues — and maybe not even become Christians — but at least work through issues they already have,” Bell said.
By building relationships and trust, Bell said, the students may look at Bell’s spiritual views and judge for themselves to see if they are true.
“I’m glad to impact a student,” Bell said. “I can see them change and grow. There are different degrees of success. I have some that have gone on and graduated who haven’t become Christians, but I still consider it a success we were able to help them in their time of need.”
Unfortunately, this group recently lost its regular meeting place due to renovations. Bell said churches seem to be the best fit because of the lack of cost, the size of the club and the club’s mission. A prospective church in Wakefield may be the new location for the meeting; however, Bell said they are open to other possibilities.
Although this chapter is geared toward students of Wake Forest-Rolesville High School, other teenagers have joined. Franklin Academy Middle and high schools have their own chapters. Wake Forest also has a teen parents’ group. Bell hopes new chapters of Campus Life will form in every school, especially in the Wakefield and Millbrook areas.
For more information about Campus Life, e-mail Bell at or visit

Monday, October 20, 2008

God is good!!

So recently, I think God has been trying to teach me a few lessons. Sometimes, it takes me a while to get it, but this time, He's making it clear. He is my provider...period. 

A few examples: Not too long ago, our car was broken into and a very expensive video camera was stolen. It didn't belong to us, and we were going to have to replace the camera (which was WAY too expensive for us to do). Without us asking, our church flipped the bill. Within a couple of days, the entire situation was rectified without us having to stress about it at all.
Then, on Tuesday of last week, I lost my job. I wasn't fired, I was "let-go" for financial reasons. I was working at the church on the facilities crew, but the budget didn't really allow for them to have as many people on staff as they hoped. Since I was the last hired, I was the first gone. It was a terrible situation and I really started to stress out again, because we're hoping to leave this crazy town around the new-year and I didn't think that any sane employer would hire me for 2 months knowing that I might be leaving. But the Lord showed up again and by Thursday, I had a job. The Olde English Tea Room (where Sarah was a waitress for a while) needed a dishwasher. It's not the most glamorous job, but it will pay the bills. And it actually worked out for both me and the owner of the restaurant, because she just lost her dishwasher on Tuesday. 

I could probably name a few more, but it's good to know that God is behind us! There have been a few times now where we've started to stress out about things like finances, only to see little bits of extra work come in to help. God has definitely been good to us and it looks like He might have a few more things in store!

My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus
-Philippians 4:19

-Ben <><